ProxyShell Hide IP


Software information


Shareware (Free to try)


27 Jun 2013




Software Screenshots

Size: 2.41 MB

Downloads: 4755

Platform: Windows 7/Vista/XP

Review by Jerome Johnston (Cybersecurity Editor)

on 02 Nov 2012

The Internet offers a lot of advantages, but it can also be dangerous if you don't know how to protect yourself from hackers or viruses. That's because there are numerous websites which can automatically intercept and steal your IP address and hand it over to a hacker, which can then take over your computer or personal information. The same goes for some marketing companies, which can learn your Internet browsing habits and can force you to watch specific commercials.

In order to avoid all these problems, it's enough to change your IP address. This normally isn't allowed by most Internet Service Providers, which offer a single IP linked to a user's subscription. But by installing applications like ProxyShell Hide IP, you will be able to easily hide your IP address. That's because ProxyShell Hide IP allows you to browse the Internet completely anonymously, by using an IP address from another country. Hackers which try to take over your computer will actually see the virtual IP address and not the real one.

After the program is installed and launched, the user will just need to select the country whose virtual IP address will be used. Unfortunately, there are not so many countries to choose from in the demo version. For a higher level of protection, ProxyShell Hide IP allows using two different IP addresses from two different countries and swapping them regularly.

Besides that, the application allows linking a certain website to a specific IP address. In this way, you will be able to avoid limitations posed by some websites, like download portals, which allow you to download a certain amount of data for a single IP address. After selecting the desired country, ProxyShell Hide IP can automatically configure the web browsers for using the virtual IP address and the user will not need to configure anything regarding this. Accessing the log section of the program, one will be able to view the program's functionality in the smallest detail, thus being able to spot any possible error.


It allows you to use different IP addresses for specific websites. Besides that, the IP address can be automatically configured for most web browsers. Furthermore, it allows you to select the country of origin for an IP address.


The demo version offers a limited number of countries for changing the IP address. ProxyShell Hide IP allows you to easily hide your real IP address, by using virtual IPs from different countries.

ProxyShell Hide IP


ProxyShell Hide IP Awards

ProxyShell Hide IP Editor’s Review Rating

ProxyShell Hide IP has been reviewed by Jerome Johnston on 02 Nov 2012. Based on the user interface, features and complexity, Findmysoft has rated ProxyShell Hide IP 4 out of 5 stars, naming it Excellent


out of 5